Look again at the news item on the 11-year-old who is facing court for his role in the recent riots. Do you think he should be punishable in a court of law?
He knew that it was wrong because there were police on the scene and it was also on the news. He has been in trouble before so he knew what he was doing was wrong, if he was 5 years older there would be no question on it - he would go straight to court- which I think should be the story now.
I agree with Lucy, there is no excuse for what he did and he is old enough to know that he is breaking the law. He is only a year or two younger than us and at that age we did understand if we were doing something illegal. He should be responsible for his actions.
He know's the right and wrong of situations. So he knew he was doing something bad. So he should be punished in that respect. On the other hand he could of been pressurised to go and follow all the other youngsters. He might of thought it wouldd of been a cool thing to do. Overall, I think 11 year old's should be punished in court.
He knew that this was a wrong thing to do, but i dont think he understood why he actually did it. mabye older people were doing it for education fees but he had no reason for it at all. like mia said he might have done it because he thought it was cool, but actually at the end of the day he commited a crime and broke the law, so thats why i think that he should go to court and have some sort of punishment. perhaps he could do some community service to help clean up the mess that he contributed to.
Like tasha said, he knew it was a wrong thing to do, he had done it before, he should of learnt from that aswell! He may have been bullied into it, or maybe even due to peer pressure, he should go to court and face some punishment! It's not fair otherwise. He deserves a punishment because next time her might realise the consequenses and not do it again!
I agree completely with everyone else. He is old enough to understand what he is doing and what the consequences of his actions will be. He is over the age of criminal responsibility so it is legal to take him to court and punish him for his actions. He has been in trouble before so he should have learnt from his mistakes and not have done something bad.
On the other hand, he could have been victim to peer pressure and may have felt that it was "cool" to steal, showing off in front of the older rioters.
I agree with everyone else in saying that he is old enough to know that he is doing wrong. he should know his actions were wrong as he had done it once before and got in trouble. he also admitted he had stolen a bin which means he realised that he had done wrong and come clean.
I also agree with Brenna because she is right saying that he could of done it due to peer pressure or because he thought it was "cool". He could have also been bullied into it by older rioters because they knew that punishing the 11 year old in court would be questioned. Unlike if the had done it they would have definately been punished. However after saying all that I still think his actions cannot be exused.
I think he should take full responsibility for his actions and what he has done, and im sure he know's what the consequences are since he has been involved in such a terrible thing like the riots. He has got in trouble before because he started fires, so this time i think he should be punished in some way as he is over the age of criminal responsibility . I think he should help clean up the streets he ruined along with many other rioters, so it could help cover what he has done. I think he should go into court and say all he knows as it is now legal at the age of 10 to go into court, as Brenna said. So I believe he should. But, he may have reacted under peer pressure to "fit in". Or he feels that the community doesn't provide facilities such as youth clubs and sports clubs which leads to groups of people my age forming groups to harm with no reasons. Although he stole a bin from a store, there are many other bigger matters that need to be addressed to prevent children of his age getting to this point.
I agree with alot of you,as you said phoebe he is old enough to know right from wrong. But i don't think he was peer pressured, he is mature and old enough to know what's unacceptable and even though it was just a bin that he stole it doesn't matter the bottom line is it's theft and he still broke the law and should be punished for his actions! In the lesson we had with Ms we learned that he had been in trouble with the police before, therefore knows that this kind of behaviour is out of order. If he is not punished in the correct way for this then he will grow up knowing that rioting and breaking the law is OK, therefore may grow up to be a criminal! As alot of you have said so far, he is over the criminal age of responsibility therefore in my opinion he should go to court. Older rioters have been punished so i think he should be as severely punished as older citizens involved in the riots, regardless of his age.
I agree with everything everyone has said so far and that he should take reponsibility for his actions, he is old enough! I don't think it makes a difference to the importance of the actions taken against him because he only stole a bin, the price of the object in question is irrelevent! He could have raided Poundland or an Apple Store, well not quite, but the point is he stole. Theft is a crime. End of story. In class we kept referring to him as if he was only about five and that maybe he didn't understand the actions of his ways! But, for most of us he's only a year younger than us! We know theft is wrong, and we did in Year 7 too. He should face the actions taken against him for the error of his ways head on.
Yes, he should take responsibility for his actions because he is 11 and should know better. He knew he was breaking the law. However, he is only 1 year younger than us and to be taken to court for stealing a bin (no matter how much its worth!) must be extremely daunting, especially knowing that going to this courtroom is where someone is going to decide whether you should be taken to prison. SCARY! But like I said, he should know better.
I think he should be punished in court because he is old enough to know right from wrong and knows that he shouldn't go around stealing bins!Though I would find it really scary in court and having a judge looking down at me telling me the consequences of my actions.At the end of the day he stole the bin and should be punished.He has done something before and if they let him get away with it he might think he can get away with anything!
I think he should be punished for his actions in court as he is old enough to know what he is doing, he has gone againest the law once before by setting fire to things, he got let off that time so he should have known better than to go againest the law again! Yes, he might have thought it was cool that people were stealing things to pay for their luxuries but thats no excuse! He should have taken responsibility for his actions and reminded himself that he could be punished for this.
I think as he is over the age of criminal responsibility he should be treated as every other person over that age would be treated, so therefore as he has commited a crime, he should have to face the consequences and be punished for his actions! He has been involved in crime before and might of got off lightly the last time and maybe he thought he could get away with it again, alough by now he should know better and should be taken the court like every other person would so he can learn from his mistakes and also so he knows the consequences for sure and doesnt do it again.
I agree with Kate he is past the age of criminal responsibility there for he should face the consequences. Also he has done a crime before so he knew what he was doing. So I think this time he should face facts and go to court.
I agree with everyone else on here. He is way over the age of criminal responsibility, so therefore should grow up and learn 'if you cant do the time, dont do the crime'. The price, which people everywhere can't stop mentioning, is irrelevent. It really doesnt matter if he stole a bin worth 50 pence or £500. It wouldnt matter if he did a raid on poundland/the 99p store, or the jewlers down the road. The bottom line is he stole, and if he isn't punished, this only makes him think that he can get away with anything! This boy was probably only trying to be cool in the eyes of the older rioters. This has to be recognised. I think the older rioters used this 11yr old boy as a mere tool- they realised that an 11 year old in court would raise eyebrows. But, in my opinion, I believe that he's no exception (this boy is NOT helping his defence as he has already been given a warning for arson). I have looked at other opinions on seperate websites, and you have people saying things like 'He is only a child, he is FAR to young!' Excuse me? yes, it may be horrifying to see a grown man in a plaited wig give you a sentance, but this boy has only hit headlines because of his age... and, saying that,most of us in year 8 know right from wrong, thus follows we DONT steal! This is breaking the law. This means he IS suppost to be punished. So why should his age be a factor contributing to his exception? He should go to court and face up to his punishment. If he isnt punished, then younger people will follow his example. I think a soft sentance is a few months com. service to help clean up the mess this stupid boy caused... but I think a electronic leg tag and curfew should teach him a lesson.
(Also, what kind of parents did he have? If he has half decent ones, I bet they're mortified. My parents would probably disown me if I told them I roited, vandalised public property and stole something that wasnt mine.)
I believe that the 11 year old should be punished for many reasons… but on the other hand I believe that he shouldn’t be punished. Here are just a few of my opinions. Firstly I believe that the 11 year old boy should be punished as he stole a bin worth £50. Like Krista said it’s not like he stole a bin from the 99p store or a cheap shop. He stole a bin which is quite expensive. Even if it was from the 99p store or a cheap shop he stole a bin and that is that. Haven’t you ever been pressurised to do something that you know is wrong….Maybe you haven’t but I believe that the 11 year old might have been. Majority of the people that were rioting in London and some other places where people that were in their teenagers, young and old. Some teenagers might have put pressure on the 11 year old boy to steal the bin. This might sound funny but the teenagers thought the 11 year old might have got away with it as he is only a small boy. Even though the BOY stole this bin… I believe that some of this has got to do with his parents. When I say parents I mean that the parents should have been aware that the was rioting going on and should have looked after him more. But to be honest how could his parents know if stole a bin…when there was so much chasing going around. Even though I am saying that he shouldn’t be punished I’m now saying that he should. I’m saying that he should because the boy isn’t a small baby anymore; he is going to be in his teenage years soon and has to be more mature. If he can go and steal a bin then he can go to court and face the consequences! I heard that the boy had done something before and wasn’t punished. So when did something that was wrong he then went and stole the bin. IF they don’t put him in court and won’t be punished then maybe next time he’ll do something like that again. If he is punished them maybe next time he won’t do something like that again and think before he does something like that again. And so for that reason I believe that he should be punished!!!
I think the young boy should be sent to court and punished for what he has done, it said that he had done wrong before so by this age perhaps he shoul've learnt from his mistakes. To punish him instead of sending him to jail maybe he should have to do community clean up or juvi............ :)
Although this boy has only stolen a bin it is still a crime and he is over the age of criminal responsibility, so he should have to take the actions given to him even if it means going to court or going to jail. He has also commited other crimes over the years and i think he has gotten away with them but if he keeps on getting away with the crimes because of his age he will think he could get away with anything and each time it will get worse and worse. if they decide not to take him to court then he should have to community service or do somthing to make up for what he did. So in conclusion i think he should go to court and pay for what he did because it was wrong and he should never of done it. He might be young but he has to take the blame for his actoins.
update (debating with family): I know I said that the price was irrelevent earlier, but my father thinks not. He has to work a 10 hour as a labouror on a building site. A 10 hour day in order to get £50... and this is really is a small amount of money. My father thinks this boy should be punished, but not harshly. 'It was only a bin of small cost, no one will miss it', he said. My aunt and mother says he shouldnt be punished. They say he is only a small boy, and that he was only trying to be grown up and fit in. He had no idea what he was doing, ect. My uncle couldnt care less. He is neither here nor there.
Anyway, I think differently from my family... this stupid boy should be punished, harshly. anyone else have their family disagree with them?
I think the 11 year old boy should be punished for his wrong doing. Reasons being because he is 11 as should know the difference between whats right and whats wrong. What he took part in has cost many people there jobs and others there lifes work and bussinesses. Also, he has comitted a crime before and probablly didn't get charged for it. In conclusion, I think he should deffinitely go to court and face his punishment, he commited a crime, allot like others who have been charged for, so why shouldn't he be treated the same?
This boy shouldn't go to detention OR court. Or Juvi. (never thought I'd say that on here).
He is probably troubled mentally/abused home. Who can blame him for letting his anger out on others? If we were suffering at the hands of our parents/carers 24/7, I think we would get pretty frustrated too...
However, if he doesnt come from a troubled home, he may have come from a very posh family. Sit up straight, do this, do that, dress sensiably... Eventually you are going to get tired and push the boundarys a bit. I know I do at home (my dad doesnt really care, but my mum is, sadly, like above- stupidally posh.) He may have just gone around pushing the boundarys the wrong way. For example, I see how I can get my parents to let me stay up, go out ect. I dont light fires or riot to prove a point, but I do occasionally have a sulk in my room. (Although I'm not the ONLY pre-teen in the world to do it.) He should've been more mature about it than going to arson to prove a point... but we're only human. We make mistakes.
Another example is he may've come from a family who dont pay him much attention, and treat him as a thing to be seen, and not heard. He would think, by doing things wrong and having the cops at his door every other day, 'This is the way to get attention! My parents are giving me attention!'
So, I think, for these reasons he shouldnt be punished. He is only human, he has made mistakes, and by having a close shave with the court of law, this may knock some sence into that neanderthal cranium of his.
(I cant WAIT to see how much outrage this causes!)
You will be pleased to know I finally got the blog to accept my post. The way I did this was to log in at www.blogger.com and not tick 'Stay signed in'. I suggest that those of you who were getting the same error message as I was before should try this now. Let us know how you get on.
He is past the age of criminal responsibility so he should be punished in court ,It's not like he doesn't understand what he has done.The court should think about the factors that he may have been forced or threatened into doing what he did.
i agree if he has commited a crime before, however it was just a bin which may have costed alot of money but it is just a bin! maybe after he has finished school for the day he could pop down to his local community centre and carry out some community service maybe?
I dont think he should be badly punished as he is still quite young, however he shopuld have some sort of punishment such as community work or something like that. I think his parents are also to blamer because they probably didnt bring hime up not to know.
I think he was old enough to commit the crime so he is old enough to be punished. Although I think it should be a small punishment such as community service.
He knew that it was wrong because there were police on the scene and it was also on the news. He has been in trouble before so he knew what he was doing was wrong, if he was 5 years older there would be no question on it - he would go straight to court- which I think should be the story now.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Lucy, there is no excuse for what he did and he is old enough to know that he is breaking the law. He is only a year or two younger than us and at that age we did understand if we were doing something illegal. He should be responsible for his actions.
ReplyDeleteHe know's the right and wrong of situations. So he knew he was doing something bad. So he should be punished in that respect. On the other hand he could of been pressurised to go and follow all the other youngsters. He might of thought it wouldd of been a cool thing to do. Overall, I think 11 year old's should be punished in court.
ReplyDeleteHe knew that this was a wrong thing to do, but i dont think he understood why he actually did it. mabye older people were doing it for education fees but he had no reason for it at all. like mia said he might have done it because he thought it was cool, but actually at the end of the day he commited a crime and broke the law, so thats why i think that he should go to court and have some sort of punishment. perhaps he could do some community service to help clean up the mess that he contributed to.
ReplyDeleteLike tasha said, he knew it was a wrong thing to do, he had done it before, he should of learnt from that aswell! He may have been bullied into it, or maybe even due to peer pressure, he should go to court and face some punishment! It's not fair otherwise. He deserves a punishment because next time her might realise the consequenses and not do it again!
ReplyDeleteI agree completely with everyone else. He is old enough to understand what he is doing and what the consequences of his actions will be. He is over the age of criminal responsibility so it is legal to take him to court and punish him for his actions. He has been in trouble before so he should have learnt from his mistakes and not have done something bad.
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, he could have been victim to peer pressure and may have felt that it was "cool" to steal, showing off in front of the older rioters.
I agree with everyone else in saying that he is old enough to know that he is doing wrong. he should know his actions were wrong as he had done it once before and got in trouble. he also admitted he had stolen a bin which means he realised that he had done wrong and come clean.
ReplyDeleteI also agree with Brenna because she is right saying that he could of done it due to peer pressure or because he thought it was "cool". He could have also been bullied into it by older rioters because they knew that punishing the 11 year old in court would be questioned. Unlike if the had done it they would have definately been punished. However after saying all that I still think his actions cannot be exused.
I think he should take full responsibility for his actions and what he has done, and im sure he know's what the consequences are since he has been involved in such a terrible thing like the riots. He has got in trouble before because he started fires, so this time i think he should be punished in some way as he is over the age of criminal responsibility . I think he should help clean up the streets he ruined along with many other rioters, so it could help cover what he has done. I think he should go into court and say all he knows as it is now legal at the age of 10 to go into court, as Brenna said. So I believe he should.
ReplyDeleteBut, he may have reacted under peer pressure to "fit in". Or he feels that the community doesn't provide facilities such as youth clubs and sports clubs which leads to groups of people my age forming groups to harm with no reasons. Although he stole a bin from a store, there are many other bigger matters that need to be addressed to prevent children of his age getting to this point.
I agree with alot of you,as you said phoebe he is old enough to know right from wrong. But i don't think he was peer pressured, he is mature and old enough to know what's unacceptable and even though it was just a bin that he stole it doesn't matter the bottom line is it's theft and he still broke the law and should be punished for his actions! In the lesson we had with Ms we learned that he had been in trouble with the police before, therefore knows that this kind of behaviour is out of order. If he is not punished in the correct way for this then he will grow up knowing that rioting and breaking the law is OK, therefore may grow up to be a criminal! As alot of you have said so far, he is over the criminal age of responsibility therefore in my opinion he should go to court. Older rioters have been punished so i think he should be as severely punished as older citizens involved in the riots, regardless of his age.
ReplyDeleteI agree with everything everyone has said so far and that he should take reponsibility for his actions, he is old enough! I don't think it makes a difference to the importance of the actions taken against him because he only stole a bin, the price of the object in question is irrelevent! He could have raided Poundland or an Apple Store, well not quite, but the point is he stole. Theft is a crime. End of story.
ReplyDeleteIn class we kept referring to him as if he was only about five and that maybe he didn't understand the actions of his ways! But, for most of us he's only a year younger than us! We know theft is wrong, and we did in Year 7 too. He should face the actions taken against him for the error of his ways head on.
Yes, he should take responsibility for his actions because he is 11 and should know better. He knew he was breaking the law. However, he is only 1 year younger than us and to be taken to court for stealing a bin (no matter how much its worth!) must be extremely daunting, especially knowing that going to this courtroom is where someone is going to decide whether you should be taken to prison. SCARY! But like I said, he should know better.
ReplyDeleteI think he should be punished in court because he is old enough to know right from wrong and knows that he shouldn't go around stealing bins!Though I would find it really scary in court and having a judge looking down at me telling me the consequences of my actions.At the end of the day he stole the bin and should be punished.He has done something before and if they let him get away with it he might think he can get away with anything!
ReplyDeleteI think he should be punished for his actions in court as he is old enough to know what he is doing, he has gone againest the law once before by setting fire to things, he got let off that time so he should have known better than to go againest the law again!
ReplyDeleteYes, he might have thought it was cool that people were stealing things to pay for their luxuries but thats no excuse! He should have taken responsibility for his actions and reminded himself that he could be punished for this.
I think as he is over the age of criminal responsibility he should be treated as every other person over that age would be treated, so therefore as he has commited a crime, he should have to face the consequences and be punished for his actions!
ReplyDeleteHe has been involved in crime before and might of got off lightly the last time and maybe he thought he could get away with it again, alough by now he should know better and should be taken the court like every other person would so he can learn from his mistakes and also so he knows the consequences for sure and doesnt do it again.
I agree with Kate he is past the age of criminal responsibility there for he should face the consequences. Also he has done a crime before so he knew what he was doing. So I think this time he should face facts and go to court.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI agree with everyone else on here.
ReplyDeleteHe is way over the age of criminal responsibility, so therefore should grow up and learn 'if you cant do the time, dont do the crime'.
The price, which people everywhere can't stop mentioning, is irrelevent. It really doesnt matter if he stole a bin worth 50 pence or £500. It wouldnt matter if he did a raid on poundland/the 99p store, or the jewlers down the road. The bottom line is he stole, and if he isn't punished, this only makes him think that he can get away with anything!
This boy was probably only trying to be cool in the eyes of the older rioters. This has to be recognised. I think the older rioters used this 11yr old boy as a mere tool- they realised that an 11 year old in court would raise eyebrows. But, in my opinion, I believe that he's no exception (this boy is NOT helping his defence as he has already been given a warning for arson).
I have looked at other opinions on seperate websites, and you have people saying things like 'He is only a child, he is FAR to young!' Excuse me? yes, it may be horrifying to see a grown man in a plaited wig give you a sentance, but this boy has only hit headlines because of his age... and, saying that,most of us in year 8 know right from wrong, thus follows we DONT steal! This is breaking the law. This means he IS suppost to be punished. So why should his age be a factor contributing to his exception?
He should go to court and face up to his punishment. If he isnt punished, then younger people will follow his example.
I think a soft sentance is a few months com. service to help clean up the mess this stupid boy caused... but I think a electronic leg tag and curfew should teach him a lesson.
(Also, what kind of parents did he have? If he has half decent ones, I bet they're mortified. My parents would probably disown me if I told them I roited, vandalised public property and stole something that wasnt mine.)
I believe that the 11 year old should be punished for many reasons… but on the other hand I believe that he shouldn’t be punished. Here are just a few of my opinions. Firstly I believe that the 11 year old boy should be punished as he stole a bin worth £50. Like Krista said it’s not like he stole a bin from the 99p store or a cheap shop. He stole a bin which is quite expensive. Even if it was from the 99p store or a cheap shop he stole a bin and that is that. Haven’t you ever been pressurised to do something that you know is wrong….Maybe you haven’t but I believe that the 11 year old might have been. Majority of the people that were rioting in London and some other places where people that were in their teenagers, young and old. Some teenagers might have put pressure on the 11 year old boy to steal the bin. This might sound funny but the teenagers thought the 11 year old might have got away with it as he is only a small boy. Even though the BOY stole this bin… I believe that some of this has got to do with his parents. When I say parents I mean that the parents should have been aware that the was rioting going on and should have looked after him more. But to be honest how could his parents know if stole a bin…when there was so much chasing going around. Even though I am saying that he shouldn’t be punished I’m now saying that he should. I’m saying that he should because the boy isn’t a small baby anymore; he is going to be in his teenage years soon and has to be more mature. If he can go and steal a bin then he can go to court and face the consequences! I heard that the boy had done something before and wasn’t punished. So when did something that was wrong he then went and stole the bin. IF they don’t put him in court and won’t be punished then maybe next time he’ll do something like that again. If he is punished them maybe next time he won’t do something like that again and think before he does something like that again. And so for that reason I believe that he should be punished!!!
ReplyDeleteI think the young boy should be sent to court and punished for what he has done, it said that he had done wrong before so by this age perhaps he shoul've learnt from his mistakes. To punish him instead of sending him to jail maybe he should have to do community clean up or juvi............ :)
ReplyDeleteleaving the case could also make him think he'd be able to get away with something more serious next time
ReplyDeletecouldnt agree more with Anniesa- he should hold his hands up and accept his punishment.
ReplyDeleteAlthough this boy has only stolen a bin it is still a crime and he is over the age of criminal responsibility, so he should have to take the actions given to him even if it means going to court or going to jail. He has also commited other crimes over the years and i think he has gotten away with them but if he keeps on getting away with the crimes because of his age he will think he could get away with anything and each time it will get worse and worse. if they decide not to take him to court then he should have to community service or do somthing to make up for what he did.
ReplyDeleteSo in conclusion i think he should go to court and pay for what he did because it was wrong and he should never of done it. He might be young but he has to take the blame for his actoins.
update (debating with family):
ReplyDeleteI know I said that the price was irrelevent earlier, but my father thinks not.
He has to work a 10 hour as a labouror on a building site. A 10 hour day in order to get £50... and this is really is a small amount of money. My father thinks this boy should be punished, but not harshly. 'It was only a bin of small cost, no one will miss it', he said.
My aunt and mother says he shouldnt be punished. They say he is only a small boy, and that he was only trying to be grown up and fit in. He had no idea what he was doing, ect.
My uncle couldnt care less. He is neither here nor there.
Anyway, I think differently from my family... this stupid boy should be punished, harshly. anyone else have their family disagree with them?
I think the 11 year old boy should be punished for his wrong doing. Reasons being because he is 11 as should know the difference between whats right and whats wrong. What he took part in has cost many people there jobs and others there lifes work and bussinesses. Also, he has comitted a crime before and probablly didn't get charged for it. In conclusion, I think he should deffinitely go to court and face his punishment, he commited a crime, allot like others who have
ReplyDeletebeen charged for, so why shouldn't he be treated the same?
Today is my argue/answer back day so....
ReplyDeleteThis boy shouldn't go to detention OR court.
Or Juvi. (never thought I'd say that on here).
He is probably troubled mentally/abused home.
Who can blame him for letting his anger out on others?
If we were suffering at the hands of our parents/carers 24/7, I think we would get pretty frustrated too...
However, if he doesnt come from a troubled home, he may have come from a very posh family. Sit up straight, do this, do that, dress sensiably... Eventually you are going to get tired and push the boundarys a bit. I know I do at home (my dad doesnt really care, but my mum is, sadly, like above- stupidally posh.) He may have just gone around pushing the boundarys the wrong way. For example, I see how I can get my parents to let me stay up, go out ect. I dont light fires or riot to prove a point, but I do occasionally have a sulk in my room. (Although I'm not the ONLY pre-teen in the world to do it.) He should've been more mature about it than going to arson to prove a point... but we're only human. We make mistakes.
Another example is he may've come from a family who dont pay him much attention, and treat him as a thing to be seen, and not heard. He would think, by doing things wrong and having the cops at his door every other day, 'This is the way to get attention! My parents are giving me attention!'
So, I think, for these reasons he shouldnt be punished. He is only human, he has made mistakes, and by having a close shave with the court of law, this may knock some sence into that neanderthal cranium of his.
(I cant WAIT to see how much outrage this causes!)
the boy should go to court becauser he is past the age of criminal responciblity therefore he is old enough to be punished by livvie stevens
ReplyDeleteHello girls
ReplyDeleteYou will be pleased to know I finally got the blog to accept my post. The way I did this was to log in at www.blogger.com and not tick 'Stay signed in'. I suggest that those of you who were getting the same error message as I was before should try this now. Let us know how you get on.
Ms Humphrey
He is past the age of criminal responsibility so he should be punished in court ,It's not like he doesn't understand what he has done.The court should think about the factors that he may have been forced or threatened into doing what he did.
ReplyDeletei agree if he has commited a crime before, however it was just a bin which may have costed alot of money but it is just a bin! maybe after he has finished school for the day he could pop down to his local community centre and carry out some community service maybe?
ReplyDeleteYay wenesday
ReplyDeleteI dont think he should be badly punished as he is still quite young, however he shopuld have some sort of punishment such as community work or something like that. I think his parents are also to blamer because they probably didnt bring hime up not to know.
ReplyDeletetest for blogging :)
ReplyDeleteI think he was old enough to commit the crime so he is old enough to be punished. Although I think it should be a small punishment such as community service.