Thursday, 6 October 2011

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas

Homework Questions on WW2

1.       In which year did WW2 begin?

2.       In which year did WW2 end?

3.       Who was the Prime Minister of Great Britain during WW2 (there may be more than one so name all the ones you find)?

4.       What event caused the USA to enter the war?

5.       What does D Day celebrate?

6.       Find the names of three countries which were allied to Great Britain during the war, three countries which were fighting against Great Britain and two countries which remained neutral.

7.       Find definitions of the following three terms: Concentration Camps, Genocide, Holocaust.

Extension task (optional): Find out what you can about a man called Adolf Hitler.


  1. WW2 Began in 1939 and ended in 1945. Winston Churchill was the prime minister when WW2 ended. The Japanese bombed the USA at Pearl harbour. I think 4 is when the battle of WW2 began. Three allies were America, France and china. Three countries against us Germany, Italy (in the first half)and Japan. Switzerland and Spain remained neutral. Finally concentration camps are where Germans persecuted enemies, mass murdering of people, holocaust means the killing of the jews in WW2.

  2. WW2 began in 1939
    WW2 ended in 1945
    there were 2 prime ministers in the war-Neville Chamberlain was Prime Minister (and the first) of Great Britain in September 1939 at the start of World War II. In May 1940, after the disastrous Norwegian campaign, Chamberlain resigned and Winston Churchill became prime minister.
    The bombing of Pearl Harbour, on december 7th 1941. (Because japan were part of the axis force with italy and germany. They wanted the all powerful america out of the war)
    D- day was june 6th 1944 when the combined allied forces landed in Normandy to start taking Europe back from Adolf and the Nazis.
    Germany, Japan and Italy were against us
    France, America and China were allies.
    Switzerland and spain were neutral.

    Concentration camps were where Jews were forced to work, usually digging, starved and beaten. When they were to weak to do anything, they were either taken and gassed, or forced to dig their own graves, then shot. (note: mass graves were also common)

    Under Hitlers leadership, the Nazis sought to make Germany the most powerful empire in the world and exterminate all they viewed as inferior. In pursuit of this, he ordered the extermination of over 11 million people, the majority of them Jewish, but also including Roman Catholics, Roma (gypsies), Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals, the physically and mentally handicapped, and any others who did not meet Hitler's standards for "racial purity." The mass murder is also know as Holocaust.

    He served in the first world war.

    He was awarded iron croos first class

    He was a phycopath and a sadist.

    nazi party leader

    He was gassed but survied

    At the end of his life, he had parkinsons disease (he hid his right arm when giving speaches, as it shook)

    lead a revolt against the goverment (putch)
    in the late 1920's.

    He wrote mine kamf (my struggle)in prison

    1933 chancellor of germany

    when Hindunburg died, he combined the offices of president and chancellor.

    1939 ww2 starts as he invades Poland.

    His own gernerals tried to assasinate him on the 20th of july.

    He was very cruel- when he realised they were plotting against him, he had them, their familys and friends hung with piano wire- it took them 20 minutes to die as the piano strings bit into their necks. After, Hitler was sent a video of them (to make sure they were dead).

    When Germany was going to loose, he went into a bunker with his wife Ava Braun (his mistress/girlfriend). He shot himself in the head with a pistol and bit on a poison cap while she poisoned herself.

    He didnt trust the SS near the end of the war. So his poison (that he killed himself with) he tested on his German Shepard, Blondie and her pups, first.

  3. One last fact!!!
    hitler was one of the first polititions to campagin by planes, all over Germany.

  4. krista you wrote so much im very sorry if i spelt your name wrong. :)

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